Hunter Guide Updates

July 19, 2008 at 4:43 pm (Main News, Warcraft) (, , , , , )

After two weeks spent on holiday I had a long time to think about what to do with my upcoming reworked Hunter Guide. After lengthy consideration i decided that the entire guide will be available on my current guide blog for free.

Anyone interested i in for a real treat. This guide will cover pretty much every subject and in my opinion will surpass any other guide out there, free of at a price. I can say that because i have read many of the top quality guides out there and feel that what i have done not only goes into more detail, but has a higher quality to it as well.

The big news is that i will be releasing the first 4 chapters out relatively soon. The rest will be laid out and posted once i have written it. I hope that every post will have a relevant screenshot and there will even be videos to help out with certain sections.

The guide is not based at any single level, allowing it to have as much use to almost every player and not go out of date with patches and expansions. It can also be very easily updated and even has slots ready to add and update information for Wrath of the Lich King.

But don’t worry, if you use the current site that will be remaining, but moved into one section of the same site. It may be slightly more difficult to navigate around but i will do my best to make the entire site user friendly.

Well i’m off to start the project. Wish me luck!

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The Burning Crusade or Wrath of the Lich King?

June 12, 2008 at 11:15 am (Warcraft) (, , , )

Everyday i keep myself updated on the new WotLK content by the means of the following link..

Yesterday on WoWInsider, there was a post containing a poll. The question to the poll was..

Are you more excited for WoTLK than you were for BC?

Yes or No

I thought I’d show my feeling on this question.

First of I’d vote YES, plain and simple. Why? The basis is, when TBC came out I was busy. I was progressing. I was happy. After TBC was released it was great to explore new content. But I feel they didn’t get it right this time. There just seems nothing to do. I’ve been bored for months and i’m waiting for something new to get sunk into.


Before TBC there was a lot of people raiding. Just before the release there were two patches introducing naxx and AQ20/AQ40. This gave people lots more to explore, but hardly any time to explore it. TBC was released as guilds were just starting to get to grips with these new instances. We needed more time to progress.

People were farming for PvP ranks. People had caught onto the fact that these ranks were going to disappear in the not to distant future. We wanted to obtain them while we could. Again, time ran out for many of us.

We were farming reputation. Along with new instances came new factions. We were all farming rep for these new factions as well as the old ones. Again, time ran out.

All in all we were kept very busy and excited right up to TBC. This is nice to have, as you don’t want to be bored at any time. Getting cut short means your moving onto something new without getting the chance to complete everything. Although I think they could have given us an extra month, or just informed us a month earlier, they made a good move. Don’t wait till people are bored to release an expansion. Catch them off guard and keep them on their toes.

Lich King

Lich King. Many of us have finished pretty much all we can be bothered with. Everything left to do seems too hard or too repatitive and dull. What’s left? Every faction is exhalted. Got the epic flying mount on two characters. Raided as far as most will ever get. Got enough gold to take me into Lich. Got the wanted pieces of pvp gear to fill pve gaps. Could farm karazhan and heroics for more badges, but whats the point? Getting slightly better equiped won’t help when Lich comes out. Leveled another 70. Leveled another. Leveled another. Guess what? I’m working on my 5th.

It’s just been too long and too dull. Content has been added far to slowly. A new faction is easily farmed up to exhalted in a few weeks. I had my nether drake in under a week and my ray in another two. Less than 3 weeks and that was all the non-raid content added until the new Sunwell Island. Yes, they added 15 or so new quests. Easily completed in around an hour. It is not fun repeating it over and over again every day. I personally have not got exhalted yet just because the thought of doing those quests again is the equivalent to having a bad nightmare.

The last 4 months my guild has been praying for Lich to be released, but we may still have to wait that long again. People have given up and moved to Age of Conan in the mean time. Not only is Blizzard’s slow pace boring players, it’s making them turn away. I’m not saying their doing a bad job. Their just doing a good job half pace.

To add onto this, Lich looks far more exciting than TBC ever did. TBC on release contained almost no lore, no new styles of gameplay, having no real purpose for your actions. It gave you a different atmosphered Azzeroth, with the only real lore being far out of reach for the average player. Now Lich, we have loads of new gameplay such as new quests and a massive PvP zone just to start. We have lore coming to you as soon as you step into Northend and all the way through your journey. Your actions really mean something now. You are working to progress through a story. Lastly there are so many improvement thats we’ve wanted almost right from the start of TBC, such as quicker instance times, smaller raids, character customization, new hero classes and much much more!

So in conclusion, pre TBC we were busy, Pre WotLK we are bored out of our minds. I think it’s obvious which i’m looking foreward to more.

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Death Knight

June 2, 2008 at 4:48 pm (Warcraft) (, , , )

I for one will be rolling death knight as soo as the expansion is installed. I know i said this when the burning crusade came out, and i promised myself that i would reroll a shaman straight away, and only just getting it to 70 a week ago. Why is this different?

First off it’s only 25 levels below the top level, where as before it was 70. Also before TBC there was so much to do and work for, meaning you only really spent your time on a main making it mreally personal to you. With TBC, after about a year you find pretty much everything has been done. This has let me get 3 lvl 70s, and fourth on the way, and every other class around the 25 mark and a twink to boot. This just means that i now don’t have a favoured class, so starting a new one is so much easier than before.

Lastly, with the huge amounts of lore that come with them, and a dps plate wearer (being something i’ve recently really wanted but still don’t have) along with my favorite race and gender (draenei female) and brand new combat system with new exciting, and unique, spells and abilities i can’t see any reason to stay with my tired out hunter, druid or shaman. Also with every guild looking for one, lots of groups needing one for an instance, and there being so few as everyone is exploring northrend, it also makes you rare and that is very important to me.


So what are they and what can they do?

As i can see they are much like a mix between my favorite two classes of diablo 2, the paladin and the necromancer. Personal auras, melee fighting, and spell usage like the paladin, yet summoning, dark magic and cool abilities like the necromancer. In WoW terms a mix between a paladin and a warlock, twisted together.

The deathknight will be a spell caster tank. This means it should eat any spell casters in pvp, as well as being able to tank those bosses tanked by mages and warlocks in the past. It will wear plate, can duel wield of two hand wield, but not use shields. It will use a new rune system instead of mana, energy or rage to use it’s abilities and seems to be mainly melee orintated, but a strong caster at the same time.

There will be three different talent trees for the deathknight:

  • Blood: Talents in this tree focus on damage-dealing abilities. Blood Presence increases damage output by a percentage.
  • Frost: Talents in this tree focus on tanking abilities. Frost Presence increases threat and lowers damage taken by a percentage.
  • Unholy: Talents in this tree have a variety of functions including summons, diseases, and PvP-focused abilities. Unholy Presence increases attack speed and reduces the global cooldown on death knight abilities.

In conclusion, a new tank with high damage, awsome casting spells and a brand new style of play. For anyone looking for something new and exciting, have a change from their normal gameplay, i definatly reccomend this, and i’m sure it’ll be well worth those 15 levels of waiting to explore northrend. I’m certainly looking foreward to it.

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June 2, 2008 at 10:11 am (Warcraft) (, , , )

So what are we expecting from the up coming expansion pack? And when will it be out?

First off, new unexplored areas. We are all hoping these will be worth the wait, bringing in much more detail than the last expansion. Although WoW’s graphic system is different (in more of a cartoon style), than the new game age of conan, this does not mean we’re not expecting much. It means we want much more detail to try and match up. being able to easily immerse yourself into a landscape is key. From what i’ve read they’ve done their best, lets just hope it’s enough.

With Dalaran moving over to Northrend, i’m looking foreward to what will be left behind and also what the new city will be like. From my knowledge it should be similar to silvermoon, but much more magical. It will be the new shattrath, but in a high leveled zone. You can see everyone running all the way there picking up the flight paths almost as soon as they get into northrend. Also with no class trainers or auction house, it will be much like shattrath, so lets hope they have another kind of portal system, rather than having to catch the boat all the time.

Quests. There sounds to be a brand new style of quests based upon mounts. Shooting down mobs in planes, escort quests with the guy on the back of your mount. It does sound good, and lets hope there are many other new styles of quests, and not the same boring 4-5 same old quest types.

Storyline. A lot of lore seems to be getting poured in. I am really looking foreward to this as even before the burning crusade came out i was a huge lore fan, my favorite section being centred around northend. With frequent visits from the lich king, new factions being introduced and of the entrance of Frostmourne and even possibly the ashbringer after many canceled attempts this should be good.

Instances. A key point for me will be lore for instances. I really want there to be purpose this time in going in and clearing these places, rather than just for gear. Everything you do should have some kind of purpose for the greater good (or evil). With times being cut down to an hour for heroics, this gives people time do do them where they haven’t done before. It also gives the people running them before much more choice in selecting different instances, and not spending all their time in one place.

Raids. With all raids 10 and 25 man i feel this is a huge step foreward. So many guilds previously got stuck in karazhan and ZA, just for the reason they couldn’t get the numbers to get into anywhere else. This means the smaller guilds can progress further, and not become bored with content, as well as the bigger stronger guilds still dominating their servers and with their own gear.

PvP. A brand new area dedicated to pvp, with destructible buildings, war engines etc. This should be good! Also a brand new battleground should hopefully give us all some more choice, rather than just farming AV for honor. Hopefully everything gets evened out. Oh and a new arena season which hasn’t really been mentioned anywhere. That should hopefully be a good new starting point with new gear for everyone to get an equal start in a new land with new gear.

New abilities and talents. Everyones looking foreward to this, and from what i’ve seen nobody, no matter what their spec should be disappointed. New and improved spells should make everyones role in game become much clearer, as well as some awesomely cool new abilities with very nice affects. I won’t go into and detail here, as i’m sure everything out now is most likely to change come release.

Armour. From what i’ve read we’ll all be getting a brand new look, so that everyone will know that you have been into this new wilderness. It’ll be very viking, lots of stone, crude metal and spikes. Savage summed up in one word. I have seen some of the new set ideas and they look very nice, very evil looking. Lets hope there will be lots of nice shinies to get our mitts on.

Lastly the new hero class. The death knight. I will be making another post on this brand new daemon.

In conclusion, we are likely to expect a lore filled world, with an Azeroth, Viking feel. Instances will be far better than anything we’ve seen before, guilds will progress far further than in the past, and getting those last 10 levels should be far more enjoyable than anything we’ve experienced in the past!

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